Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Balancing Demand with Growth

Each year we face the fact that more families in our community will need our help this year. Seeing the food bank grow like it has the last fifteen years can be a bit scary, but it is great to see how our community recognizes that with a healthy food bank comes stability in the nonprofit community. Each year hundreds of agencies count on us to deliver safe, quality food to them to serve their clients. By leveraging the 200 plus food donors that donate to us each year with a major logistics system, we can move food quickly into any county in South Georgia. The next ten years will be filled with growth as we continue to build a network that will eliminate hunger in South Georgia. We promise to continue to expand service while building a world class team of well trained and developed leaders. We will make the difference that every community that relies on the service of Second Harvest of South Georgia counts on each day.